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Our Top Priority

Workers' Compensation Attorney in Kent, Washington

Nearly every individual hired in Washington or working in Washington is covered by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries.  Generally, any injury or illness that is job-related is covered. However, many complicated issues arise, especially regarding medical issues. Understand and protect your rights byInjured worker with hard hat holding her knee having your own attorney. You don't have to come up with your answers on your own; to see if we can help you as we have hundreds of others.

Common Injuries

There are certain types of injuries that are common in Workers' Compensation cases, such as:

  • Back Injuries

  • Neck Injuries

  • Shoulder Injuries

  • Carpal Tunnel Injuries

Back Injuries

Back injuries are a major workplace safety challenge.  Many workers experience back injuries every year, and back injuries account for thousands of workplace injuries. 

Neck Injuries

Neck injuries can also cause serious problems.  Symptoms can include neck pain, neck stiffness, weakness on one or both sides of the body, difficulty walking, holding the head up securely, feeling like "my head is going to slip off", shock, headache, numbness, or tingling in various parts of the body.  If you experience any of these symptoms as a result of your job duties, you should contact us immediately to see if you have a potential workers' compensation or potential disability claim if you are precluded from working altogether.

Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder injuries resulting from a job-related activity can be covered by workers' compensation.  The shoulder has the best range of motion of any of the body's joints.  Our shoulders allow us to put our hands where they need to be for work, play, and our daily activities.  To perform properly, the shoulder must have the right balance of strength, flexibility, and stability.  Loss of this balance can lead to pain and injury. 

Carpal Tunnel Injuries

The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway of ligament and bones at the base of your hand.  It contains nerves and tendons. Sometimes thickening from irritated tendons or other swelling narrows the tunnel and causes the nerve to be compressed.

Here to Help
Washington Workers


What Causes Injuries?

What causes the problem? Some people have smaller carpal tunnels than other people do.  Other causes include performing assembly line work, wrist injury, or swelling due to certain diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis.  Women are three times more likely to have carpal tunnel syndrome than men.  Treatment includes resting your hand, splints, pain, anti-inflammatory medicines, and surgery.

Symptoms you may experience are tingling; numbness; weakness; pain in your hand, except for the little finger; shooting pain from your hand up your arm to your shoulder, and a swollen feeling in your fingers.

You may also notice symptoms are worse at night and early in the morning, your hands feel stiff in the morning and you have trouble grasping objects.

In order for a carpal tunnel claim to be accepted as an on-the-job injury in the State of Washington, it must be proven that the particular conditions of our employees are the cause of the condition.  Once this is proven, you will have a claim for an occupational disease.

Workers' Compensation Attorney
in Kent, Washington

Our skilled Kent attorney proudly serves the surrounding areas of Seattle, Tacoma, and Renton, Washington. We strive diligently to give the compassionate service that our clients deserve. Reach out today and schedule a free consultation.